understanding and using your real brand purpose to win more pitches
considering that understanding and helping build a client's brand is one of the core skills offered by advertising agencies, it is surprising how infrequently that skill and expertise is used to good effect within an agency itself.
we can help you recognise your own brand benefits, values and culture - we call this "real brand purpose".
we can also help you win pitches once you better understand your own value…
pitch consultancy
rfp drafting​
client meeting advice
commercial and fee proposal analysis
fee negotiations
brand purpose consultancy
new business development
lead generation
pipeline management
automated marketing structure
agency offering
1. discovery = what is your brand purpose?
2. diagnosis = are you delivering it successfully to the outside world?
3. design = if not, what can you do better?
4. delivery = now you know for sure what you’re doing, let’s do it
what does the "4d process" mean for agencies?
find out who you are…

external culture:
• who do your clients think you are?
people (internal) culture:
• who do your employees think you are
organisational culture:
• who do you think you are?
…and then be it like hell

mobile: +44 (0) 7973 658 783
desk: +44 (0) 207 1234
11-12 Charlotte Mews