Agency Analysis Part 1: Brand Purpose.​
The team at catalyst have built up a database of the best UK agencies across all disciplines – a total of 333 agencies across all disciples of marketing. As well as all the more obvious quantitative metrics than you can measure of any business (number of staff, revenue, billings), we also like to look at more interesting/relevant measures as well (including the Campaign School Report and the WARC 100 lists where relevant).
But what we’d like to share here is possibly the most qualitative of all quantitative measures we take – what we call Brand Purpose.
For us Brand Purpose encompasses a large number of things but, given we have met over 100 of our 333 agencies over the years, mostly it’s what you tell us your Brand Purpose is. If we haven’t met we try and glean it from your marketing – mostly website of course.
Here is a word cloud of the most frequently used words in Brand Purposes from our database…
In more numerical terms, we can state the following; the Top Five most frequently used words, in order, were "Brands", "Ideas", "Agency", "Creative" and fifth was "Digital". Take out of that what you will, but feel free to contact us to find out more.